On which of the following ZAFT missions did Athrus invite you to join him? When you meet certain conditions, their face can change

Which of the following is true about Haman, Milliardo, and Loran? Which of the following is correct about Four, Rosamia, and Puru Two? Which of the Ramba Ral, M'Quve, and Johnny Ridden doesn't belong? Which of the following Mobile Suits appears in the scene "Four to Infinity"? What line did Crown NOT say during the "Re-Entry to Earth" scene? In the scene "Char in Sazabi" from which of the following spacecraft does Char launch? Which of the following match-ups does NOT occur when fighting in giant Mobile Suits? Ability to cut through enemies with beam attacks What is the effect of the "Piercing Shot" skill? Overall increase in parameters of allied forces What is the effect of the "Leadership" skill? Increases damage according to number of combo hits What is the effect of the "Heat Up" skill? What is the effect of the "Customize" skill? Which of the following information does NOT appear in your personal history? Which of the following missions is NOT included in the Mission Mode? Which of the following is NOT included in the Gallery? Which of the following characters did NOT appear in the Pilot Training mission? In Pilot Training, what happened if you shot down Ramba Ral before your armor was depleted to zero? Which type of attack was NOT taught in the Pilot Training mission? What kind of reward did you recieve for completing the Pilot Training mission twice? So here they are in order, for easier reference. I also found that each question has 4 possible questions that can be asked. I've tested all of these for several hours, and they're all correct. Thanks to the help of Mikeyspinkick and Chuckytheman, it's complete.
This is the list of answers for the first quiz.